Sweet Chloe
Today in my adventures while CAT GROOMING in the YARRA VALLEY,

I met sweet Chloe... She did come with a warning label however😂 (OH THE JOYS) .
Chloe is an anxious young lady and is medicated to help her cope with all the little kitty things she has to deal with.
So we were grooming on her terms... When she elected to be groomed behind the washing machine, I had to gently coax her back out with the cobweb brush and I moved the grooming station to the floor. As we approached the 2 hour mark, her turkey timer went off and that was the session over.
I'm pleased to say at the end there were no injuries, we were firm friends and she allowed me to pull out masses of dead undercoat. I'll be seeing her again in 6 weeks and once we've established a nice bond she'll come to my place and have a bath and blow dry which is the fastest and best way to remove the dead and loose hairs 🐾❤️